meet the sweets: stephy

Sunday, July 3, 2011

What's your name?
Stephy. Nice to meet you *firm hand shake*

If you were a crayola crayon what colour would you be?
Tickle me pink

What do you want to be when you grow up?
A year 6 teacher at my old primary school

Who/what inspires you?
People who create good and are authentic

What's your most favourite thing to bake?
Probably cupcakes, I love decorating them!

What's so sweet about being one of the Sweets!?
It combines my two passions: helping others and baking. It gives my baking a purpose!

Most importantly, what charity are you donating our proceeds to for September and why?
I have chosen Save the Children's Imagine Program. This program stands for what I stand for as a teacher in preparation. It advocates that all children should have equal access to education and health care no matter their socio-economic status. By creating a level playing field you are allowing children the opportunity to actually achieve what they dream. I'd love for the Sweets to learn about children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Click me for more info.