"I don't care too much for money, for money can't buy me love." - The Beatles

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sweet greetings!

Hope your holidays have been nothing short of lovely.

Mikey and I have been working on all our financial stuff, namely our monthly expenses spreadsheet and filling out forms so that we can finally get cheques for the Breast Cancer Foundation and Coast Shelter. Emily and Suziee will be sending off these cheques alongside personalised letters on behalf of the group. Thank you, cupcakes.

FYI we will not be having a bake sale in August... but chins up, sweets! INSTEAD we will be having a 'Sweet Tea Party.' As mentioned in a previous post Tea 4 Toys signed up to be our first EVER sponsor. So what better way to say THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH than by holding an event to support their cause? (Please take out your uni diary/ mobile calendar at this point). So far the plan is to flock together in the second week of August, either Tuesday the 9th or Friday the 12th around 11am for about 1 hour. Rosalyn, the creator of Tea 4 Toys, will be there to accept our toy donations and will speak a bit about where the toys will be going. There will be, of course, baked goodies to munch on and yummy-in-your-tummy tea. Details about our bake sale in September will also be mentioned on the day.

See you all very soon(:

