meet the sweets: emily

Friday, April 1, 2011

(Em: mad for macarons)

Ooh na na what's your name? Emily! Em backwards is ME! Hahaha.

If you were a crayola crayon what colour would you be? Pink, of course!

What do you want to be when you grow up? A jack of all trades hahaha!! a teacher :)

Who/what inspires you? I BELIEVE and thats all that matters xx

What's your most favourite thing to bake? I like to make muffins. They're quick and easy and you can add almost anything to them and they still taste sooo good!

What's so sweet about being one of the Sweets? It's all for a good cause and to me helping people is the most important thing!!

Most importantly, what charity are you donating our proceeds to for April and why? THE NATIONAL BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION because it mainly effects girls. I think that even the littlest bit makes a difference.