"Toys are more than fun: they are essential" - Rosalyn Manipis (Tea 4 Toys)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hello sweet folks,

Today I met with Rosalyn Manipis from TEA 4 TOYS, our first ever supporter!

Ros created her non-profit organisation in 2009 with the purpose of "empowering disadvantaged children to exercise their right to play by distributing toys donated by the community." How beautiful is that? They hold tea parties all throughout the year where anyone can drop by with new toys that they wish to donate and in exchange get some free baked goodies - that's where we come in! At one tea party they had a cupcake decorating stall which was apparently a big hit with both the adults and kiddies.

Ros distributes toys all around Australia, including to the Mutijulu community in the Northern Territory. Currently, she is working on getting helmets for children with Cystic Fibrosis because the National Australia Bank has actually donated a few scooters to her organisation. Click here to take a peep at their website.

So where to from here, huh? Ros will be speaking to her members and sponsors about helping out with our future bake sales. I will be discussing with my sweets how we can merge tea parties with our bake sale concept. Perhaps we can have 'sweet tea parties' at uni and if you bring in a new toy you get a baked good of your choice, free of charge. Also, we can sell donated tea with our baked goodies which would be just perfect for the Autumn/Winter season!

(Ros & Stephy: big kids)

Thank you, Ros, for all your support so far! I see amazing things happening for both Tea 4 Toys and Sweets By Sweets in 2011(:

Th-th-th-that's all folks!



the original cuppycake video

Monday, April 11, 2011

You're my honeybunch, sugarplum
Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, you're my sweetie pie
You're my cuppycake, gumdrop
Snoogums-boogums, you're the apple of my eye
And I love you so and I want you to know
That I'll always be right here
And I love to sing sweet songs to you
Because you are so dear(:

pretty in pink

Thursday, April 7, 2011

OLO munchkins!

Are you ready for an action-packed recount of our first bake sale for twenty-eleven?

At 10 in the morning, Emily, Yoel, Lauren and I set up our table all pink and pretty-like. Suzie and Julia also took time out during the day to help sell our goodies! Loveliest people ever.

(Emily, Stephy & Lauren: eager beavers)

(Stephy with one of our first customers!)

(Emily, Suzie & Stephy)

(Some happy customers)

(Kirsten & Amber from Campus Experience with some of our baked goodies)


(Lauren's gluten-free vanilla cupcakes)

(Julia's vanilla cupcakes with strawberry icing and shredded chocolate)

(Stephy's abrazos - chocolate truffles)

(Stephy's vanilla blossoms)

(Stephy's white chocolate with strawberry cream)

(Emily's butterfly cakes)

(Emily's coconut ice)

Special shout outs to...
* Demi for preparing cute cuppycakes with butterfly candies on top
* Sarah for her delicious dark chocolate and raspberry muffins AND vanilla cupcakes with pink icing.
* Karinya for her freshly baked lamingtons

While the girls took turns selling our goodies Mikey and I sold raffle tickets for our Easter-themed basket full of cute and yummy prizes.

(Mikey after selling 100 tickets)

WHO WON THE PRIZE? Click play!

(Lauren, Bec & Stephy)



Happiness to the maximus(:

All in all, I never predicted how successful today would be and how responsive everyone would be to our bake sale. We definitely know what will be re-baked for our next sale so thank you for your feedback. Today was a very important stepping stone for Sweets By Sweets in that we have become aware of all the things we can improve on for future bake sales and recognised how well we all work as a team!

If you like baking and want to join in our shinanigans, 'like' us on facebook for regular updates and shoot an email through to sweetsbysweets@hotmail.com.au.





when the going gets tough, the tough gets baking!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Good evening, starshines.

Sweets By Sweets was able to get a section in the latest edition of Grapeshot News, the Macquarie Uni student newspaper (March 28, 2011, Issue 3). You can grab a copy outside of the 'old' library. At our bake sale today a few people mentioned that they actually heard about us from Grapeshot - NU WAY, BRO! Thank you to MUSRA for putting together our section and most importantly putting us under the spotlight. We appreciate it very much!

(Our section in Grapeshot- typos smypos... HAH.)



ready.. steady... BAKE!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hello sweets and lovers of sweets!

Lots on your plate?
Join the club!

Hopefully the sun is coming out tomorrow.
Especially between 10am-3pm!(:

Earlier in the evening I was freaking out because my strawberry truffles failed BIG TIME but thank goodness baking allows you to unleash your creativity! My strawberry truffles have now transformed into white chocolates filled with soft-centered strawberry cream - kind of like freddo frogs. "MOVE OVER FREDDO!" HAH.

Sigh. I hope you guys are having or have had better luck than me.
Luckily, I have already made my oreo truffles and vanilla cupcakes. PHEW!

Please invite your friends to support us in raising funds for the Breast Cancer Foundation, the charity chosen by our secretary, Emily. Tell them we're having a RAFFLE too!!

See you and your yummy creations tomorrow, sweets!




I'm gonna bake you a love cake
I'm gonna put it on a love plate
and serve it up to you

I'm gonna mix it in my love bowl
and add a little bit of my soul
I'm gonna put it in your cake hole
I'll serve it up to you

meet the sweets: emily

Friday, April 1, 2011

(Em: mad for macarons)

Ooh na na what's your name? Emily! Em backwards is ME! Hahaha.

If you were a crayola crayon what colour would you be? Pink, of course!

What do you want to be when you grow up? A jack of all trades hahaha!! a teacher :)

Who/what inspires you? I BELIEVE and thats all that matters xx

What's your most favourite thing to bake? I like to make muffins. They're quick and easy and you can add almost anything to them and they still taste sooo good!

What's so sweet about being one of the Sweets? It's all for a good cause and to me helping people is the most important thing!!

Most importantly, what charity are you donating our proceeds to for April and why? THE NATIONAL BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION because it mainly effects girls. I think that even the littlest bit makes a difference.