meet the sweets: suziee

Monday, May 2, 2011

What's your name?
Suziee Xoshnow

If you were a crayola crayon what colour would you be?

I would be a yellow crayon because it's the colour of sunshine and reminds me of beautiful sunny summer days. It's bright, always stands out and is the most noticeable in a box full of other crayolas.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
A primary school teacher

Who/what inspires you?
Everyday people trying to make a difference one small step at a time.

What's your most favourite thing to bake?

What's so sweet about being one of the Sweets!?
It's very rewarding knowing that you're contributing to a good cause one cupcake at a time!

Most importantly, what charity are you donating our proceeds to for May and why?
The Charity that I have chosen for May is a local charity called Coast Shelter. The reason why I have chosen this particular charity is because it is a local charity that helps the local community and it's always rewarding when you see the results within the community. Click here to find out more about Coast Shelter.