mad hatter's tea party by kathryn

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Once upon a time, not your time nor my time, but one time, there was a room, a mystical, fantastical room, overflowing with streamers and cupcakes and heart-shaped balloons. All you had to do was follow the white bunny...

For in this room, this amazing room in the land of M, a tea party was held, also starting with M. Twas the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, and what an event it was! There were bunnies, ribbons and marshmallows too and of course there were guests, who had hearts of gold. 

For you see, it was a joyous, wondrous, celebratory event, new people were met, stories were told, friends were made and games played at the spectacular Mad Hatter’s Tea Party event. 

The guests came in, donated a toy, and were treated to a banquet of cupcakes and cookies and tea if you please. And at the end of the day, when time was up, it was with heavy hearts and equally heavy stomachs that the guests all left.  One by one they filtered out, laughing and chatting about the time they’d just had. Decorating classes had been won, and packet mixes too, they’d all left with new challenges, and were determined to see them through! The event was a success, with members new and old along for the ride. 

And the toys, oh the toys that were given, in ones and twos and threes and fours, they filled up the whole table, and most of James’ car! And the children when they receive them will be oh so glad, for a gift so simple, can mean so much, for those with such little. 

It’s not every day you get to dress up and visit Wonderland, but that’s exactly what happened at the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. Members old and new from Sweets by Sweets came along, met one another, and enjoyed a scrumptious feast of tea-cup cupcakes and Cheshire cat cake that would make the Mad Hatter himself proud. 

The event was a MAD success, with over 100 toys being donated to Tea for Toys. They will be sent to an orphanage in the Philippines, a much deserved home. 

decorate for hope

Friday, August 17, 2012

On the 29th of May the Sweets set out to raise both funds and awareness for Orange Hope for AIDS. Macquarie staff and students were able to witness the life of a boy from Africa who lived with HIV/AIDS by walking through a HIV clinic that was set up by the Orange Hope team. It was truly an eye opener. 

They were then greeted by friendly Sweets who took them through our decorating station, where they were able to complete the following 3 steps: 

STEP 1: CHOOSE your baked good (we had cupcakes, cookies, dessert pizzas, you name it!)

STEP 2: FROST your cupcake

STEP 3: DECORATE your cupcake with whatever embellishments you desire. Have a look at some of the amazing cupcake designs the staff and students of Macquarie University came up with...

A big thank you to Chryssi for picking such a worthy cause, the Orange Hope team, the Salvos and of course, our Sweet bakers who donated all their time and effort into making this event possible. We were able to raise $387 which was such a great effort considering how rainy a day it was! 

