wild @ heart bake off

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

In April, the Sweets decided to something a tad different. We decided that we would help to preserve natural ecosystems within the Kimberley River (WA) and the Murray Darling (NSW) by supporting a fellow student student group at Macquarie uni called the Wilderness Society.

The Kimberley is a culturally significant area for the local indigenous population. The $400 we raised went to preventing industry including gas development from wrecking the beautiful natural wonder that is the Kimberley. The funds also went towards protecting the ecosystems of the Murray-Darling from dying because of the amount of water being taken out of the river system.

We held a BAKE OFF with the Sweets baking for two separate teams: The Wild Things Vs the Green Machine. Have a look at some of our creative treats...

Green has never looked and tasted so good!

Also, a big thank you to Samantha from Bliss: Food for donating the vanilla bean macarons that made the Sweets look very professional.

