DIY cupcake decorating station for Lymphoma Australia

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hey sweeties!

It's Lisa! Our fundraising for Lymphoma Australia was such a success!! It was great watching all our sweet customers making their own decorated cupcake and showcasing their inner talent! It felt like I was in a candy shop with all the lovely colourful decorations and never ending cupcakes!! We had such a great team working behind the scenes making sure everything was organised and ready. Can't wait for more of our wonderful sweet events!

Get ready to be blown away by the decorating skills of staff and students at Macquarie University...

For more pictures click riiiiight here. We ended up raising $499 which will go straight to Lymphoma Australia who are working hard to find a cure for sufferers of Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Big thank you to all the Sweets who set up and packed away. I know that it took a lot of work but seriously you guys should be extremely proud. You couldn't walk past our event without doing a double-take. And most importantly, thank you to Jared Cook, our inspiration for this event.