sweets by sweets 4 breast cancer foundation

Saturday, March 26, 2011


We made it! It's time for our first bake sale of the year! Thanks to Emily, we will be raising funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. She will be explaining why she chose this particular cause in an upcoming blog.

So what are you going to bake? When you have some idea please let Emily know on emkate239@msn.com so that we don't have too many of the same thing on the day. Please also let her know when you are available to be rostered in to man our tables. 30 minutes to 1 hour on the day is enough.

Please incorporate PINK into whatever you bake as we all know that pink is the colour used by the foundation.

Feel free to ask your friends who love to bake to participate or your friends who love to eat baked stuff to help support us on the day!

NAME your baked good and decide on a reasonable PRICE for it.

Get creative, my sweets...

And happy baking!(:



picnic lunch

Thursday, March 24, 2011

BIG BIG thank you to those who came to our picnic lunch/ first meeting!

For those who couldn't make it Emily, our secretary, will be sending out emails to let you know what you guys missed.

(The committee's baked goods: chewy choc chip cookies, spanish donuts & chocolate brownie cupcakes with vanilla icing)

(Emily & Julia)

(Stephy & Mikey)

("Hat-like" box where Sarah randomly selected our first charity picker)

So I bet you're all dying to know WHO's choosing the charity for our first bake sale.

Well, hold your breath and click play:




rub-a-dub-dub we are officially a club(:

It's true, my sweets.
We have officially been dubbed a CLUB!
Sing. Dance. Hi 5 a random!
Just celebrate(:

(Mikey, Stephy & Emily after signing our affiliation agreement)



cookie monster is so clever

Sunday, March 20, 2011

"Cookie starts with C.
Let's think of other things that start with C.
Ahh, who cares about other things!"
- Cookie Monster.

Oh Cookie. You crack me up(:

thumbs up if you're accepted as a new club

Friday, March 18, 2011

Hello everybody!

Good news and bad news!

The GOOD NEWS is that today I had a meeting with Lauren (welcomer/acceptor of new groups), Kirsten (student group coordinator) and Tim (student representative from MUSRA). We talked about food regulations, booking logistics, getting funding (how awesome??) and free printing. After our discussion Lauren officially accepted us as a new club! My reaction? "Oh my God!!!" and, "Can I please take a picture of you guys for our blog??" HAHAHA.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2: Lauren, Kirsten and Tim
s2: The Sweets

Thank you for making things happen for us! You guys have made this process SUPER easy and stress-free which is just the way it should be (I'm a poet - LOL!) Keep on keepin on(: And YES, if we ever decide to have a baking competition you guys will definitely be our first pick for judges.

(Lauren, Kirsten & Tim)

(Stephy & Lauren)

Next week the committee will be meeting with Kirsten to sign the affiliation agreement where we will finally be dubbed a club(: We're also having our first picnic meeting on Wednesday! See you there, my sweets.

Oh, and BAD NEWS? There isn't any!(:



P.S- Don't let uni eat you up because after all stressed backwards equals... desserts!(:

your picnic invitation

Hola boys and girls.

Please let me know if you can/can't make it to our first ever picnic lunch/ meeting! We're going to be having lunch on the grass outside the atrium so if you're late please text me if you can't find us. If it's wet weather then we'll probably go down to the lower floor of the atrium.

In the mean time please think about ideas you may have in terms of how we can best market our club, what charity you would like to donate our money to and what you're hoping to bake for our first bake sale in a few weeks.

What exactly will be doing at the meeting?
* Meeting our fellow sweets for the first time(:
* Introducing the representative committee
* Eating lunch (DOY!)
* Eating baked goodies prepared especially for all of you
* Discussing ideas
* Going through some basic food regulations
* Randomly selecting, from a hat or a hat-like box, WHO will be choosing the charity for our first bake sale

Pretty exciting stuff, huh?

If you can't make it, it's okay! Just let me know so we can email you the minutes.

Looking forward to seeing you altogether for the first time!



meet the sweets: the committee

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hello lovies.

Just thought I'd quickly introduce the official representative committee for Sweets By Sweets...

Firstly, we have Mikey, our treasurer. He's like a human calculator so he'll be keeping track of the money side of things. We also have Emily who is our smiley secretary. She'll be contacting you guys about upcoming bake sales. And lastly, there's me. La presidenta. I will be sharing my story of how I came up with the whole 'Sweets By Sweets' idea in an upcoming blog. Please stay tuned!(:

(Stephy, Mikey & Emily)



super sarah

On Tuesday I was lucky enough to bump into my fellow sweet, Sarah, who had brilliant ideas to contribute to our club:

* We can have themes for our bake sales every month
* We can get the staff at uni involved by contacting related departments when a charity has been chosen. For e.g. we can speak to the Japanese department regarding the recent tsunami on Friday
* We can promote ourselves in the university's publication of Grape Shot
* VLOGGIN'! We can take a video of one of the sweets handing over our funds raised to a representative of a charity and post it onto our blog
* Speak about our club after a lecture to see if people are interested in joining
* Get an ad on the homepage of our uni website
* In our diary create a coupon to get free stuff from our bake sale!

Muchos gracias, Sarah! You are one smart cookie(:

Next week we're having a picnic gathering at uni where you can share every idea that comes to mind. Details for this will be provided soon.

(Smiley Sarah with her chocolate muffin!)



P.S- If you haven't already 'liked' our group's facebook page please likey like away!(:

fifteen out of fifteen

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hello girls and boys.

I'm pleased to announce that we now have 15 members in Sweets by Sweets!(: Happy dance!!

Also, I have spoken to Tim from MUSRA, a member of the representative council at uni, and he is going to help finalise all of our paperwork.

Sweets, please start thinking about what you would like to bake and what charity you would like to donate our money to!



i'm a baker not a fighter

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hello cupcakes.

Wanna play a game?

How about '20 questions'?


1. What have we sweets been up to for the past week?... (besides uni, of course).
Mikey and Emily, our co-founders, have filled in forms for our application process. You guys are gems.

(Em signing her life away just before our biology lecture)

2. So what are we waiting for? Let's get the ball rolling already!
We would LOVE to hit the road Jack but we need 15 members. Pretty please, with hundreds and thousands on top, ask your mateys if they would like to be a part of our club(:

3. What is the aim of our group?
Sweets by Sweets is all about baking so that others can have a sweeter life. Each month every member in the club will bake some delicious goodies. We will meet up at uni, taking turns manning our beautifully decorated table and sell them! All of our proceeds will go to a charity that one member has chosen to dedicate the money to. So in a nutshell, our ultimate crazy goal is to save the world... one cupcake at a time(:

4. How do we know what's going on?
Well, if you're one of the sweets then you should be on our group's page on facebook. Also, we'll be documenting everything on this here blog.

5. What's in store for Sweets By Sweets?
At the moment we are deciding on cute packaging for our goodies. We're printing off stickers of our logo and also we have been thinking of raffling off some professionally-baked goodies and other prizes.

Okay, so not exactly '20' questions but oh well, you smell!

Now I have a question for YOU! You may need to ponder this for a while and don't just google it because that's just rude.....

What is the difference between a biscuit and a cookie?

